Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My last summer tomato

Tomatoes and I have had a thing since I was 10. Every summer I would wait anxiously for the first red tomato. It seemed like it always took FOREVER for the first green tomatoes to ripen into big beautiful juicy tomatoes. But ripen they did! With salt in hand, I would lean over the sink and eat one of those tomatoes like an apple. Over the winter, I always kind of forgot that those tomatoes do not taste like real tomatoes. The first bite of a summer tomato reminded me what real tomatoes are. This year, I grew my own tomatoes for the first time. Today, I picked my last summer tomato off of the vine. Goodbye summer tomatoes, its been a good year!


  1. Love that tomato. Makes me hungry to look at it as I love tomatoes too. Teach me how to grwo them in pots please.

  2. Nana! I love that you can post comments now!!! I must confess that I only got 4 or five tomatoes tops off of my vines. Not good...but I can teach you!
